Jule Epp


Walls & Windows

Reflections on Autism & Play - Imagine trying to connect with a child you love. Imagine it not working...

Dumbo's Barbaric Yawp

"Mom, I just want to be normal! I just want to be like everyone else!"

An Asperger Incident

My autistic son reveals how his brain and emotions work in a crisis incident at school (at age 14).

Another Asperger Incident

My autistic son describes the intensity of his sensory-emotional experience in school (Grade 3).

The Invitation

To invite my son meant I had to be able to invite – not only him – but myself, as well.

Autism & Hypersensitivity

It was clear right from day one that there was something different about my son.

If you want to learn more about child development, you will find additional courses and webinars on this platform.

Online-Courses and Webinars

As Faculty of the Neufeld Institute International, I also offer courses and webinars in English on the website of the Neufeld Institute International

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